Understanding OceansOntology in reference to the physics of Sound.
The video is a montage of work that I have Choreographed throughout the years with popular radio stations in LA.
Originally I wanted to use a 7 minute mix montage that is different from what this video represents. The Sound doctrine talks about how sound is communicated through various "waves".
In our personal decisions, we think with concept, principal and morale which is essentially based off of our surroundings within our environments and past experiences. We call this a "sound" choice.
A "sound" choice is something that we all practice in understanding the creation process. We know what it is that can be easy to come by and we know what it is that we need to work at to accomplish obstacles.
The "Sound" Doctrine in OceansOntology refers to what makes our Spirit within each of our lives and chosen area of work "move".
The "Sound" Doctrine deals directly with reality and our physical life structure, not how to make good choices but more so seeing the choices we made that allows for a path. With the science and mechanics to actual sound, I can explain how OceansOntology addresses the "study of ontology", while communicating the language of symbolism.
When we move (in all understandings of what "movement" is) we look at the reasons "why" we utilize our past to help us make decisions with concept, principal and morale.
The "Sound" Doctrine is about what rhythm we move to in life, or what the pulse is keeping us in beat with. This is the area where sound waves come from the Heavens that our Spirit listens too. Where God is the DJ playing the tunes only our Spirit can hear.
The "Sound" Doctrine is essentially communication where we base our Faith in God because of what our "sound choices" (the explainable events in our lives) CAN'T explain.
Within the "Sound" Doctrine, Choreography begins to show the beat of the music and the movement begins to portray a storyline in which all parts of the performance can be portrayed by the Artists vision and understood by the Audience. Like how a painter begins with one layer on the canvas and then the next to add depth.
The "Sound" Doctrine is understood by our creative Muse that keeps us on the path where our Creative minds are put mostly to use. This is the area of life that reality and science are understood the most BECAUSE of the wide variations we have to communicate or express to others our individuality.
In ways that a Choreographer can see how a performance will fit with an impact that Audiences can relate too, it is important to really get in touch with what the Choreographer has experienced and endured. This emotion comes deep from within and then begins to listen to what the overall message is saying or what it is that needs to be brought out of the performance.
A Choreographer feels the music first then begins to take into consideration the visual performance that incorporates the staging and environment. Once that "feeling" has been set with attainable Choreography, we compare it to what the Artist wants to accomplish from creating that particular song.
Usually the difference between the songwriter and the Choreographer is the communication of "portraying" the songs essence. The Singer knows how to emotionally project vocals that express the words, while the Choreographer presents a visual interpretation of the overall effect including peak vocal expressions, the beats, hook, breakdowns, fills and any other noticeable accent that we think the audience would appeal to naturally.
The Choreographer naturally thinks from the audience perspective while the Artist/ Singer thinks about what presence is needed to properly express the words and overall message. With proper communication and perspectives of different points of views, my experiences in the Choreography industry has been able to open up a creative outlet that utilizes the symbolic nature.
Utilizing the "Sound" Doctrine to understand the Bible, we know by the scriptures that symbols and signs are used within the teachings. The same concept, principal and moral of knowing the "Sound" Doctrine that creates the visual of "airwaves and frequency", yet paints a picture of how communicating through spirit and feelings are just as natural.